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"Emergency Health Card" Card

Use to organize your vital medical records online. It is fast, friendly, and secure. In case of emergency (ICE) it can save lives or reduce medical mistakes.

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Emergency Personnel Login

     Hospital Emergency Login System 1
 Hospital Name:   City:   State: 
 Requestor First Name:     Last Name:      
 Phone:  ()-- Ext  Fax Code:  ()--     
 Patient Medical Record #:               
The patient is in a medical emergency and we need to access his/her medical records. Patient can not remember his/her PIN or is in a condition where he/she can not provide that information to us. I have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
PIN:The patient is in a medical emergency and we have been authorised by the patient to access his/her medical records. Patient willingly provided us his/her PIN. I have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
 Reason for request: 


Use the below system, if you have the hospital password

     Hospital Emergency Login System 2
 Hospital Name: 
 Patient Medical Record #:   
The patient is in a medical emergency and we need to access his/her medical records. Patient can not remember his/her PIN or is in a condition where he/she can not provide that information to us. I have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
PIN:The patient is in a medical emergency and we have been authorised by the patient to access his/her medical records. Patient willingly provided us his/her PIN. I have read the Terms and Conditions and agree to be bound by them.
 Reason for request: 


Get Protected
  • Step 1: Sign up online or call 888-49-CHART.
  • Step 2: Login in to add your vital medical information and receive your own iMediChart ICE health cards (wallet size and key tags).
  • Step 3: Carry the iMediChart cards with you and present them in case of emergency (ICE) or Doctor office visits. The medical professionals treating you will be able to get some basic information from the cards and retrieve a lot more from our authenticated secure server 24 hours a day. Having access to timely information could help protect yourself from medical mistakes and save your life.

It's simple, fast, easy, and inexpensive. Why wait.
Sign up now.

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